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Conditionally Hiding Rows, Columns Or Sheets


In order to conditionally hiding rows, conditionally hiding columns or conditionally hiding sheets automatically, you can include the HIDE keyword in the first cell of the column or row you want to hide:

jet reports

Once a report has run, you can always hide a worksheet by using the keyword AUTO+HIDE+HIDESHEET in cell A1 of that worksheet.

Occasionally, you may want to hide entire rows, columns, or even worksheets all based on some criteria that may or may not be present. This is referred to as Conditional Hiding.

Conditionally hiding Rows


1) Place HIDE+? in cell B1.

conditionally hiding rows

2) Use formula to return Hide in column B of any row you want hidden.

In this example, let’s hide any row where the Balance (in column E) is equal to zero.

conditionally hiding rows

3) When we run the report…

jet reports

We see that there are no zero balances and we can see that rows 4-10, 12-14, and 19 have been hidden.


Conditionally hiding Column


1) Place HIDE+? in cell A2

conditionally hiding column

2) Use a formula to return Hide in row 2 of any column we want to hide.

In this example, we will hide the column if the Balance (in row 6) is equal to zero.

conditionally hiding column

3) When we run the report…

jet reports

We see that there are no zero balances and we can see that columns C-I and K-M have been hidden


Conditionally hiding Sheets


Similar to hiding a column, you can also hide an entire sheet.


1) Place HIDE+? in cell A2

Conditionally hiding sheet

2) Use a formula to return HideSheet in cell B2 if our condition is met.

In this example, let’s hide the worksheet if the Grand Total (in cell D7) is less than a particular amount.

Conditionally hiding sheet

3) When we run the report…

Conditionally hiding sheet

We see that the entire Report sheet has been hidden with conditionally hiding rows, columns or sheets


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